Thursday, August 18, 2016

Everyday's an Adventure!

hola familia! ¿como estan?

This week was super cool! We had a visit from a General Authority, Elder Packer of the Seventy. He is the son of President Packer. Four other missionaries and I were able to have an interview with him. It was a neat experience. Jaja he wanted me to tell you thank you for raising great children, Mom and Dad! After that we had an interview with President Obeso. Can I just say that I love my mission president? He is a man inspired by God and I sustain him as my President. He has blessed my mission with so much advice and love. I know he is called of God. 

And now, what you’ve all be waiting for... this week!

Hna Cookson got sick, really sick, so we spent a day in the house (probably one of the worst things in a mission, besides daylight savings, which we had Saturday night—one less hour of sleep! Wahoo). I was able to leave with a member for two lecciones that we had. Another member stayed with Hna.

The next day she felt better so we left the house and about 2 days later she was worse. I called the nurse and we had to spend a day in the clinica (ER) waiting to be seen. I learned a lot of new Spanish medical words and haha it was a bit stressful but we made it out alive. I think the funniest part was when she had to get a shot... on her tush. The nurse told her to turn on her stomach and pull down her pants. Hna didn’t understand so I told her in English trying not to laugh too much. Her eyes got wide and she said, “Noooo!! not again!” (She was really sick in the CCM and had to get a shot in the tush there too :) She is feeling a lot better now, but now my throat is starting to hurt...

Dennis, Marta and Korin came to church this week!! Which means that this Saturday they are going to get baptized! It is so fun planning for the baptism. I know they are ready. They have strong testimonies. I just hope that they will continue to progress and grow in the Gospel and in their conversion. I don’t want any of the people I help to baptism become less active...

We are also teaching Alejandro... who is an investigator of gold!! Literally. This is the story:

We were on exchanges with the sister leaders. I was in my sector with Hna Bernal and we were walking to a menos active (a person who hasn’t been to church in a while). All of a sudden, I decided we were going to pass by the menos active and instead visit a member that hadn’t been at church for 3 weeks and see what’s up (looking back now, that was totally the Holy Ghost guiding me). The member wasn’t there but her less active daughter was. We shared a message with her and were getting ready to leave when her boyfriend entered the house. We began talking to him and the conversation led to the Church. We asked him if he wanted to learn more about what his girlfriend believes in. He said sure and we made an appointment for 2 days later. He had great questions and wanted to read the Book of Mormon. After that lesson, he told us that the morning of the first day we came over to talk with his girlfriend they had been talking about the Church. She told him that she wanted to start coming back. He said that he wanted to learn more about the Church and everything. She said, “Great! There are missionaries here but I have no idea how to get in contact with them.”

That night we knocked on their door. 

Fast forward 2 weeks and Alejandro has a baptism date set for Sept. 17. He is literally the best! He reads the Book of Mormon every night and is asking great questions... it’s awesome, he always has a note book where he writes what he learned in his reading and his questions. He has never once has missed doing the homework we leave for him and is always ready when we come for the lessons. 

He told us a lesson ago "Hermanas, I have a confession."

“Uh oh,” I thought.

"I don’t know what it is, but every time I read and every time I pray and when you guys come over to teach me, I can feel something inside of me changing. I don’t know what exactly it is, but I’m changing for the better. I have more patience and I feel more relaxed and secure."

Music to our ears! I testify that that is true! If you let them, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ will change you. You will begin to develop more attributos de El (attributes of Him) that will bless your life and the lives of all those that know you forever.

And the happiest news of all!!!!!! So Alejandro and Maria are not married. Since day one, we focused on the temple and temple marriage and have told him that they need to get married or live separately before his baptism.  

MARIA TOLD US 3 DAYS AGO THAT THEY ARE PLANNIG THE WEDDING FOR SEPT. 3 :DDDDDDDDDDD THEY ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED! And Alejandro was asking us the rules for going to the temple and getting sealed for eternity after his baptism. para que sepa, you know where I’ll be in a year after his baptism! In the Templo en Santiago!!! I can’t tell you how happy I am for these two people.

The gospel is so true!! I love my Savior and everything that has happened on my mission. Best choice ever!  

les quiero mucho!

hurrah por israel!

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